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Smoking Fetish

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Someone who has a smoking fetish is known to derive sexual pleasure from the thought or act. It includes becoming aroused when seeing someone else using cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and hookahs.

Another term for it is capnolagnia, which has been well-documented. For example, lovers in movies often have a cigarette immediately following sex. Movie personalities have even referred to this as an addictive and unusual trend. It makes it even more arousing for those who engage in this activity.

  • People with this condition experience arousal when watching someone smoke, themselves, or imagining someone else doing it.

Researchers have found that heterosexual and gay men are the most likely to

them. It is due to their connection, oral fixations, and enjoying fellatio. Women in the entertain field tend to perpetuate this trend, as seen in ads promoting provocative imagery.

The connection between arousal is in the movies. According to Dr. Mark D. Griffiths, a Professor of Behavioral Addiction at Nottingham Trent University (U.K.), “Watch any film or television show before 2000 that features a post-coital couple in bed, and odds on, one of them will be having a cigarette”.

Author Brian Alexander at NBC News points out, “the backlash can have the perverse effect of making it seem even more decadent, sort of like eating a bacon-stuffed meatloaf wrapped in bacon.”

  • Connecting sexualization includes oral fixations and fellatio, explaining why these two groups of men mostly experience capnolagnia.

Those involved in mental health and addiction often have difficulty determining their prevalence. Regardless, the authors of the DSM-IV-TR classify them as a type of paraphilia. They are “recurrent, intense

fantasies, urges, or behaviors generally involving nonhuman objects.”

  • Professionals tend to classify it as mostly harmless and not requiring treatment unless it involves children or interferes with one’s ability to function on a day-to-day basis.

The American Psychiatric Association reports that individuals with a diagnosed mental health condition smoke twice as often as the general public. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that people with mental health conditions partake nearly one-third of all cigarettes consumed in the U.S.”

The prevalence of this disorder is challenging to determine. However, it is a popular topic on several mainstream social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. In addition, multiple public message boards promote provocative imagery depicting attractive women.

Users in groups often report becoming aware of their fixation with it during puberty. Some have specific scenarios that trigger excitement, such as a cigarette brand, the smoker’s appearance, or position. Since this heightens their pleasure, individuals may have their partner act out these scenarios as part of a consensual adult relationship.

In the online MEL Magazine, an anonymous 45-year-old male named ‘Andrew’ discusses his first-hand experience with one. He explains that he started in high school in movies. “I loved the scene at the end of Grease when Olivia Newton-John comes out as Bad Sandy and puffs on a cigarette.”