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October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, an observance designed to highlight the importance of prevention and promote healthy and safe communities.

Helping people avoid the pitfalls of substance dependence and addiction through prevention methods is one of the most effective ways to reduce the number of drug abuse-related fatalities.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), nearly 20 million Americans 12 and older struggle with substance use disorders.

Unfortunately, the survey estimates that only 19 percent of those people will get the treatment they need and deserve to recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Early intervention and prevention are vital factors in stemming the epidemic of addiction.

The younger a person starts using drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or prescription drugs for non-medical reasons, the more likely they are to develop the disease of addiction.


While substance abuse prevention has been a focus since the days of “Just Say No to Drugs” or scare-tactic ad campaigns like “This Is Your Brain on Drugs,” there have been advances in effective prevention models.

Some of the prevention methods include the following:

Teens and Young Adults

Programs must target all teenagers and young adults, not just “at-risk” groups.

The danger zone for substance use disorders is between 12 and 23. The human brain is not fully developed and is more vulnerable to addictive stimulants and depressants.

Prevention programs are for youth who have already exhibited poor decision-making. However, a more practical option would be to include an entire high school population, as this reinforces consistent expectations and lead to a healthier community overall.

Mental Health Awareness Training

Educating teens and adults about mental illness helps people in several ways, such as identifying and better understanding poor mental health issues in themselves or others.

Also, learning that it’s okay to seek counseling or confide in others about depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, will reduce the stigma and help more people before they turn to substances used to self-medicate to cope with their problems.

Mental health and substance addiction combined can lead to a co-occurring disorder, which further complicates matters and usually requires dual diagnosis treatment for recovery to be successful.

Family Programs

Family-based prevention programs can enhance relationships and bonding.

These models include substance abuse education and information, but they can also equip families with better communication skills and help parents learn how to be more supportive of their children.

At the same time, families can learn how to effectively maintain strict no-substance abuse policies at home for the parents and the children.

Community Programs

Sometimes it’s necessary to observe and adjust prevention programs to address a community’s specific challenges or issues.

All forms of substance abuse education should reinforce positive decision-making regarding those specific encounters.

Many cities and communities worldwide have been hit hard by the opioid epidemic, impacting everyone who lives there, not just those dependent or addicted to opioids or heroin.

It requires the community to practice prevention techniques and education, or at the very least learn more about addiction and why it isn’t simply a moral failing or weakness.


This month, take the opportunity to embrace National Substance Abuse Prevention Month and learn how you can play a part in keeping not just your loved ones safe but help promote community-wide healing and health.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) provides incredible prevention resources for parents, teachers, and anyone else interested in knowing more about protecting those most vulnerable to substance abuse and addiction.

One such resource is a very helpful brief entitled “Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents,” which includes 16 Prevention Principles based on research and can be used by community leaders and educators to implement effective prevention programs in their area.

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