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Ambien High

Trying to get high on Ambien is not that an uncommon occurrence. This drug is known generically as zolpidem. It is a prescription medication most often used for treating insomnia. While its therapeutic potential is widely acknowledged, the recreational use has become a public health concern. 


This medication belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It works by activating the neurotransmitter, GABA, which slows down the brain and nervous system.

• Doctors typically prescribe this medicine to help people with sleep disorders fall asleep faster, providing a more restful night’s sleep.


Non-medical use refers to taking the drug without a prescription, in higher doses than recommended, or for reasons other than what it was intended.

 • When taken in large doses, this medicine can produce effects similar to benzodiazepines or alcohol, including a sense of euphoria, hallucinations, and a temporary break from reality.


• Dependency and Addiction: One of the most significant risks associated with abuse is the potential for dependency and addiction. Over time, a person may need to take larger doses to achieve the same effects, leading to a dangerous cycle.

• Health: Overdosing can lead to severe health problems, including respiratory distress, coma, and even death.

• Psychiatric: Misuse has been associated with a range of psychiatric symptoms, such as confusion, agitation, and hallucinations.

• Increased Risk of Accidents: Its use can result in impaired coordination and slowed reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.

The Attraction and Controversy

• Why do people seek to get high on it? Several reasons include a desire to escape reality, to self-medicate, and to achieve a sense of euphoria. The drug’s accessibility and potency have also made it attractive for misuse. • The controversy surrounding recreational use mainly lies in the potential harm it can cause to an individual’s health, their social functioning, and the risk to public safety.


Despite the perceived appeal of misusing this drug, the potential risks far outweigh any short-lived euphoria. It is essential to understand that this medication is a potent medication intended for specific medical uses under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Using it recreationally can lead to severe health and social consequences, including addiction, health complications, and impaired functioning.

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