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How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System

Understanding how long does Adderall stay in your system can be essential for individuals prescribed this medication, individuals administering tests, and those with a concern for potential misuse.

It is a prescription medication composed of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, and is commonly used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.

Despite its therapeutic benefits, this medicine also has potential for misuse and is therefore a common substance looked for in screenings.

Detection Table

The table below illustrates estimated detection windows differentiating between immediate-release (IR) and extended-release (ER) formulations, as well as the frequency of usage, based upon:

  • occasional use (1-2 times per month)
  • regular use (1-2 per week)
  • heavy use ( daily)

Detection Table

Frequency of UseFormulationUrineBloodSalivaHair
Occasional User (1-2 times/month)Adderall IR1-3 days12-24 hours1-2 daysUp to 90 days
Occasional User (1-2 times/month)Adderall ER1-4 days12-36 hours1-2 daysUp to 90 days
Regular User (1-2 times/week)Adderall IR2-5 days24-48 hours1-3 daysUp to 90 days
Regular User (1-2 times/week)Adderall ER2-6 days24-60 hours1-3 daysUp to 90 days
Heavy User (daily)Adderall IR3-7 days24-60 hours2-4 daysUp to 90 days
Heavy User (daily)Adderall ER3-8 days24-72 hours2-4 daysUp to 90 days

This table is meant to give you a general idea about how long Adderall might be detected in these types of drug tests. It’s important to understand that the detection window can vary widely based on the factors mentioned earlier. For example, hair testing can sometimes detect drug use that occurred several months prior, but it might not detect recent drug use within the last week or so. On the other hand, urine tests are good at detecting recent use, but not past use. If you or someone else has questions or concerns about Adderall use, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Key Factors

Estimates are average times, and actual detection times can vary based on a number of factors such as:

  • age
  • body mass
  • metabolic rate
  • overall health
  • liver function
  • hydration
  • exercise
  • genetic factors

Dosage and Frequency: The amount taken, as well as the frequency, can affect the time it remains detectable. Larger or more doses require a longer elimination period.

Formulation: This medication is available in both immediate-release (IR) and extended-release (XR) formulations. The XR formulation tends to remain for longer periods due to its gradual release mechanism.

Please remember that this is a prescription medication, and misuse can lead to serious health complications.

Read all about Adderall abuse here.

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